Horizon Reports Pricing

License Type Price (USD)
Report Viewer License
Horizon Reports license for viewing reports
Report Viewer License (5 bundle)
$1,100.00 ($220 per user)
Report Viewer License (10 bundle)
$1,500.00 ($150 per user)
Report Viewer License (50 bundle)
$2,500.00 ($50 per user)
Unlimited Report Viewer License
Horizon Reports license for viewing reports. Has no concurrent user limit
Report Designer License
Horizon Reports License for creating reports
Report Designer License (5 bundle)
$1,650.00 ($330 per user)
Report Designer License (10 bundle)
$2,300.00 ($230 per user)
Report Designer License (50 bundle)
$3,750.00 ($75 per user)

Above prices include a one-year software maintenance subscription. With an active subscription, you can install new product releases and access technical support through the online support center. The price to renew the subscription is calculated at 25% of the purchase price.

To purchase a license or for more information, please contact our sales team at [email protected].